Life Insurance

Life Insurance provides an income for your family and other dependants should you pass away. Life Insurance is generally paid as a lump sum, which will help your family continue to meet important financial obligations like mortgage repayments, everyday living expenses, education for children and any other debts.

If you answer yes to any of the following questions, you probably need some type of Life Insurance:

  • Are you married? If you have any assets and other shared expenses, life insurance can help protect each partner’s standard of living in the event of death.

  • Do you have children? Life Insurance can replace your current income and make sure your dependent children are looked after if you pass away.

  • Do you support dependent relatives? If you support someone in need, life insurance can help ensure they are cared for when you are no longer able to support them.

  • Do you own a business or large estate? Life Insurance can be used for estate planning purposes after death, such as paying estate taxes or buying out a business interest.

  • Do you have debt? Life Insurance can be used to pay off debts that you do not want to pass on, such as funeral expenses or credit card debts.

Life Insurance can be very affordable and you may be surprised at the cost.