Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

It is nearing the end of breast cancer awareness month and as a result I thought it might be a great time to reinforce the importance of being vigilant when it comes to any abnormal changes to your breasts. This not only goes for Women as men can also develop breast cancer which sometimes comes as a surprise to many. 

Below are some stats and facts that can be a little shocking, but I feel are necessary to ensure women and men are keeping on top of their health:

·         In 2016, it is estimated that 15,930 women and 150 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer

·         On average, 43 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer every day

·         The number of women and men being diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia is increasing; however, the number of deaths from breast cancer is decreasing

·         The risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer by age 85 is 1 in 8 for women and 1 in 838 for men

·         Breast cancer can occur in younger women. It is estimated that 795 women between the ages of 20 and 39 were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015. This accounts for 5% of all breast cancers diagnosed in Australia

Risk factors:

·         The risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer increases with age

·         Approximately 75% of new cases of breast cancer develop in women over the age of 50

·         The average age of the first diagnosis of breast cancer in women is 60

·         Approximately 5-10% of breast cancers are due to a strong family history or genetic mutation, such as BRCA1 or BRCA2


·         Australia has one of the best breast cancer survival rates in the world

·         The chance of surviving at least five years (five year relative survival) has increased from 72% in 1982-1987 to 90% in 2015

·         The chance of surviving at least ten years (ten year relative survival) is now 83%

·         Increasing survival is due to earlier diagnosis through screening and improved treatments

·         It is estimated there are over 160,000 women alive who had been diagnosed with breast cancer in the previous 30 years

It is advised that women aged between 50-74, should seek a mammogram to be arranged every two years.

Please read our blog titled - The importance of Trauma insurance, do I need it? This will give you an insight into how Trauma cover can help you and your family financially if someone is struck down with this terrible illness.




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What we mean by peace of mind

The importance of Trauma insurance, do I need it?