What we mean by peace of mind

What we mean by peace of mind

When people seek the help of an adviser/broker they generally think that all we are going to offer is a great insurance policy. Which is true, but we offer so much more than that. You will see planted on our website the phrase 'peace of mind' but what does this mean? What sort of peace of mind are we offering?

As an adviser, we provide so much more than what you may realise.  This includes, and is not limited to;  

·         An automatic pay-out of the Mortgage or debt, upon death?

·         An amount delivered to either spouse every month if either are unable to work?

·         A private school education for each of your children?

·         An investment becoming immediately liquid on death?

·         A guarantee of a fair price for your business interest?

·         A retirement income that you can’t outlive?

·         An Estate kept for your heirs?

·         A satisfaction in knowing that you have done the best for your family?

·         Getting the best possible medical care to ensure longevity after a serious accident or illness?

·         Ability to stay home, recuperate in the event of serious illness or injury, without the need to worry about money?

·         Ensure your children’s lives remain as close to unchanged as possible in the event of the death, serious illness or injury of a parent?

·         A freedom from the twin fears of dying too soon or living to long?

We are hopeful that the answer is yes to these points and that insurance becomes a serious consideration for families. Peace of min means a lot more than an insurance policy and the protection it delivers.



Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month